Agreement on Cooperation signed with the National Communications Commission of Georgia

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On 17 June 2022 during the bilateral meeting, the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania (RTCL) signed an agreement on cooperation with the National Communications Commission of Georgia (ComCom).


The purpose of the agreement is to develop and strengthen cooperation between the RTCL and ComCom in the field of regulation of audiovisual media services.


Recognizing the importance of effective regulation of the sector in the light of current global challenges, the two parties agreed to exchange information on legislation, regulatory standards, methods and methodology, to participate in the relevant events, to consult each other on issues of mutual interest, to exchange experience in regulating national audiovisual media services, etc.


Last week, the RTCL signed a similar agreement on cooperation with the Armenian Television and Radio Commission. Informal cooperation, especially between the European Union and non-European Union countries, is established and promoted in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council revised in 2018.



Last updated: 29-11-2022
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